Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Fellowship & Apprenticeship?

A BTC Fellowship is a one-year full-time job placement. Participants earn a $50,000 stipend payable by the Theater Company or Producing Office.

Other BTC placements, such as special fellowships and short apprenticeships, are project-specific, paid opportunities that can span from 1 week up to 6 months in length at ~$1,000/week. 

The BTC/BAA (Broadway Across America-John Gore Organization) Regional Program is designed to be 20 hours per week for 14 weeks during the Spring Semester, with an hourly pay rate of $17.00. Please note: participants are eligible for only one fellowship or apprenticeship during the program duration, regardless of whether they have completed one previously.

When will I know if I am selected for an interview or offered a Fellowship/Apprenticeship?

Though it is our goal to update all applicants as soon as we can on the process we cannot guarantee an exact timeline since we are working with various partners across a number of projects. 

What are the perks and benefits of participating in the BTC Program?

In addition to the work experience, BTC offers exclusive access to HR support, training, and guidance from our partners at K+K Reset. Some program opportunities even include relocation funding. You'll also benefit from resources and career-building opportunities through our alumni network, industry colleagues, and Board of Trustees, all rooting for you along the way!

Will this Fellowship or Apprenticeship help me secure a job upon completion?

The goal of our program is for participants to "graduate" into full-time positions within the offices or companies in which they are placed. However, that is not always guaranteed. We hope this opportunity gives you the space to develop and realize a plan to take your next career step. 

Before applying to the program, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Am I motivated to pursue offstage roles in the entertainment industry?
  2. Do I want to turn my passion for art into an income-generating career?
  3. Am I properly equipped for long hours and demanding work?
  4. Do I have strong community support in place?

If I am not selected for a Fellowship/Apprenticeship can I apply again?

Yes! Once you submit you will be kept on file but please continue to look out for more opportunities with us in the future and do not hesitate to resubmit as you see fit.

Can I apply for multiple fellowships or apprenticeships during the program? 

We recommend that participants focus on applying for and committing to one fellowship or apprenticeship at a time. Unique situations, such as limited-run shows and transferable positions, may be considered on a case-by-case basis. This recommendation is based on several factors:

  1. Fairness and Equity: Limiting participants to one opportunity ensures a fair selection process and equal access for all applicants.
  2. Resource Allocation: Providing support, mentorship, and resources to multiple participants from the same individual could strain program resources and diminish the quality of support.
  3. Commitment: Focusing on a single opportunity allows participants to fully commit their time, energy, and attention, maximizing the learning and growth potential of the experience.
  4. Professional Development: Engaging deeply with one fellowship or apprenticeship often offers a more enriching and comprehensive professional development experience than spreading oneself thin across multiple opportunities.

We aim to ensure the best possible outcomes and experiences for all program participants and strongly encourage thoughtful consideration of the above factors.